Localized Affordable Housing—the Denton Way.
Localizing Affordable Housing
The term “affordable housing” may spook you. We get it. Its ambiguity elicits mental images ranging from apartment complexes out-of-scale from the neighborhoods in which they’re built to neglected properties.
And understandably so.
As the systems that develop affordable housing gradually disconnect from the communities in which their buildings exist, the feedback loop grows, as well—creating missed opportunities to develop affordable housing that positively impacts neighborhoods.
At DAHC, we do it different—leaning on our long-time commitment to Denton and local partners to develop affordable housing that adds (not subtracts) to neighborhoods.

Connecting Neighborhoods for Over 25 Years
Building in Denton for over 25 years has taught us an essential lesson.
Dentonites deeply care about the prosperity of their neighborhoods.
They open local businesses, providing essential services for the neighborhood. They start neighborhood associations, ensuring neighbors can engage with local government. And, most important, they give renters and homeowners alike a sense of pride in their neighborhoods.
That’s why we develop and manage affordable housing rooted in Denton’s neighborhoods—ensuring everyone can feel connected with their neighborhoods in their own unique way.
Building Homes that “Feel” Like Home
Connecting people to their neighborhoods means building homes that complement the neighborhoods in which they’re built. No neighborhood in Denton should experience drastic change; however, no neighborhood should resist all developments, either.
That’s why we build and manage homes that “feel” like the existing homes in the neighborhood, ranging from duplexes to small apartment buildings. (Contrary, perhaps, to the “affordable housing” you’ve envisioned in the past.)
The result: Neighborhoods preserve their character while offering affordable homes for fellow residents with varying incomes—the best type of affordable housing.

Supporting Residents—Beyond Housing
DAHC provides supportive services for all of its residents—partnering with providers throughout Denton County that strengthen the financial, social, and physical health of residents.
Support Affordable Housing That Positively Impacts Neighborhoods
Learn how you can use your unique skills, passions, and vision for Denton to support affordable housing that positively impacts neighborhoods.